Building a healthy chest.

Even if you bask in the glow of a sunny disposition, the stresses of daily life are pulling you down.

Cellphones, computer screens, poor flexibility and weak back muscles are dragging you into a default slouch.

We’ve talked before about the importance of strengthening mid-back and shoulder muscles to counter the strain brought about by gravity, muscle atrophy and computers. To promote functional health and stability, it’s just as important to understand the impact a weak or overdeveloped chest can have on posture.

Among other things, the chest is primarily responsible for horizontal adduction. Simply put, if you stand like a letter T (arms outstretched), the chest pulls your arms across to the front like a cliff diver.

There are many popular chest exercises ranging from pushups to bench presses and machines.

Not all chest exercises are created equal, each contributing its own unique strength. Without a bench to provide support, pushups, for example, force the exerciser to stabilize their shoulders. Machines with back support promote safety and foster intensity, eliminating the worry of dropped weights. Dumbbell or bar-bench presses encourage balance as the lifter must steady the weight.

As with any exercise, control is key. Control generates tension, tension enhances quality and quality produces results. To achieve the proper tension, each repetition should be performed slowly (five or six seconds) with the lowering phase taking twice as long as the return.

I often encourage clients to pause at the bottom of each movement to eliminate momentum. Momentum robs the movement of intensity and can put undue stress on the shoulder joint — especially if you’re dropping and bouncing the weight to generate speed. Yes, this means many exercisers should consider lightening their load (often significantly).

When starting out, machines are a safe bet as there isn’t much to learn. Pick a weight and move it. With confidence and a bit of strength under your belt, you can graduate to more advanced, functional movements.

During pressing, the pattern your upper arm follows is important. If arms travel close to your sides, the movement activates more tricep and anterior (front) deltoid and less chest. Conversely, flaring your arms out like a T can strain your shoulder joint. The happy medium (around 45 degrees) is often best.

If you’re already pumping out pushups and bench presses, good for you, but be careful. Overdevelopment can be just as problematic as not training at all.

Generally, the time spent on front-facing exercises (chest and anterior deltoids) should be less than time dedicated to posterior work (back, rotators, posterior deltoids). If not, you may be contributing to a pre-existing imbalance. Most exercisers I see should be adding additional, properly performed mid-back, external rotator or posterior (rear) deltoid exercises.

By the way, chest stretches you see performed along the wall at the gym won’t undo or address strain caused by imbalance, especially if the range of motion employed when bench pressing is similar to the range achieved by stretching. Stretching doesn’t build strength or develop muscle, nor will it warm up your muscle — warming up does.

During pushing exercises, even when standing for that matter, your chest should be held in an elevated position. Imagine a string is connected to the middle of your sternum and pulling it to the ceiling (shoulder blades down and back). Think Superman ripping open his shirt to reveal his iconic S.

When performing chest presses with a bar, dumbbells or machine, you should anchor your shoulder blades and hips on the bench. Your spine should be in an arched position and your feet firmly planted on the floor. Don’t raise your hips or elevate your shoulders during the exercise, as this will take the focus off of your chest.

Pushing exercises are an important part of any routine. If you’re new to exercise, chances are you’ve lost chest strength and flexibility and need to find an exercise that suits your comfort and ability. If you’ve been exercising for a while, make sure that your front isn’t overpowering your back. Either way, a balanced approach makes for healthy joints and strong muscle.

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